Jen Evans
- Island: Oahu
- Class: 3rd Grade
- Years of Teaching: 7
- Field/Office: Hahaione Elementary
- Complex Area: Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani
- Home Town: Honolulu, Hawaii
- District: Honolulu
What do you think is the Hawaii Department of Education’s greatest strength?
Our strong connection to culture weather it be Native Hawaiian culture or honoring the various cultures of our students.
What do you think is the greatest strength about the complex area that you work in? What is your complex area known for?
My complex area is the only public school International Baccalaureate complex in the state. All of our schools in the Kaiser complex are IB from Elementary through High School.
What are some fun activities that individuals enjoy doing outside school hours within the COMPLEX AREA that you represent?
Hiking, swimming, paddling, being active. Checking out the local farmers markets that showcase the small businesses in the area.
What are some fun activities that individuals enjoy doing outside school hours on the ISLAND that you work at?
Hitting the Gym, adventuring around the island, eating out at delicious locally owned spaces. Exploring the ever changing art around Kakaako.
What do you enjoy most about the students you teach in Hawaii?
I enjoy that these young students have such caring hearts. My students have all found ways to give back to the community in unique ways. On top of that, my students have a strong will to find a fair way to resolve conflicts from playing with recess equipment, to the conflicts they see in the news. My students evolve so much in their time with me and I feel that every year, I learn a valuable lesson from my group as well.
What do YOU enjoy doing in your free time while in Hawaii?
I enjoy working out at Ikaika Fitness Factory, or 24 hour fitness. My complex area has some of the best array of hikes. I watch way too many hours of netflix. Baking for others is a real joy. I also find the BEST deals, weather I’m finding food, fashion, or flights!
What’s YOUR favorite local food on your island? How would you describe the food?
My student’s often tease me for my love of the local favorite, spam musubi. This year I got a facemask and a thermal bag adorned with the treat. On the sweet side, I enjoy mochi like it’s going out of style.
What’s your favorite place to eat on your island? What kind of food is it?
Shabuya is a fun Hot Pot place where you and your friends can mix together ingredients for a delicious, Japanese inspired soup. I enjoy any dining experience that I can enjoy with my friends. For deserts, I love Pipeline bakery on Waialae. Their fresh malasada donuts are simple and splendid. Though their in house ice creams and monster cookies are also great choices.