How do I apply for a position?

All of Hawaii’s public schools fall under the administration of one school system, with the exception of Hawaii’s charter schools. Within the state system, there are seven school districts. A single application enters the applicant into the recruitment pool from which lists of eligible candidates are established for vacancies in all seven districts.

Effective March 13, 2012, the recruitment/geographical location preferences on the application changed from allowing an applicant to indicate specified areas within a district or district complexes to now only being able to indicate island preferences. This was done in an effort to ensure all schools have equal access to highly qualified teachers. Therefore, we ask that all applicants to be open to working throughout the State of Hawaii. The Hawaii Department of Education will try to honor your indicated location preference(s) to the best of its ability; however, please be advised you may be referred to areas which you did not indicate if the need for someone with your qualifications arises.

To begin the application process, please submit an application. You may apply online on our eHR website. If you prefer a paper copy of the application, you may stop by the Teacher Recruitment office to pick one up or send a 9” x 12” self-addressed stamped (3 stamps) envelope to:

State of Hawaii
Department of Education
Office of Talent Management
Teacher Recruitment Unit
P.O. Box 2360
Honolulu, HI 96804